SureWash Reporting Suite

SureWash Report on Computer Screen Elliot SackThe reporting suite on SureWash.NET is an audited training record for internal use and regulatory bodies. It provides real-time monitoring to easily track staffs training data to assess their standard in hand hygiene technique. The opportunity to compare data between different wards and different teams of staff is also available.

The SureWash system incorporates gamification and e-learning through quizzes and lessons on SureWash.Net. This helps identify the standard of knowledge in the organisation and to also address gaps in learning. Both the quizzes and lessons can be customised and tailored to the organisation’s requirements to maximize learning and engagement.

Surewash, a hand washing training technology and infection prevention and control company based in Ireland are working in partnership with Mr. Elliot Sack from eHealthGroup Infection Control to analyse the effects of increased and improved hand hygiene training in South Africa. Both groups are working extensively with leaders in IPC, research, healthcare systems and various stakeholder to improve IPC throughout the continent.